
AP075 sponsors three active subcommittees: 

AP075(1) Streetcar Subcommittee

Mary-Kathryn Hart, Chair

Formerly designated as the Subcommittee on Light Rail Circulator Systems AP075(1), the subcommittee meets annually in Washington, DC during the TRB Annual Meeting and mid-year meetings are arranged when conditions indicate an opportunity for good attendance. 

The subcommittee is very active throughout the year through its Working Groups. All of these groups are engaged in continuing research and two, Streetcar Electrification and Trackway Infrastructure have produced written reports of their current findings which are posted on this site under Research. Listing of current members of the subcommittee can be found under Members following the listing of the members of our parent committee. Individuals interested in participating in the activities of subcommittee AP075(1) are invited to contact the Chair.

AP075(2) Light Rail Conference Planning


In an effort to educate the industry and public about Light Rail, TRB and APTA undertook a joint effort to run a conference devoted to Light Rail Transit roughly every three years from 1975 through 2019--14 conferences in total. These conferences were organized by a subcommittee of the AP075 in close working relationship with the APTA LRT Task Force. While this close relationship will continue, the standalone conference will not. Interested authors and presenters are encouraged to participate in the APTA Rail Conference, APTA Mobility Conference, and of course, the TRB Annual Meeting.

AP075(3) Int'l LRT Developments

Andrew Bata, Chair

This subcommittee promotes and reports on research into new and emerging LRT system developments outside of North America. Research interests focus on identifying transferable techniques and applications in subject areas that include planning, design, construction, operations, urban design, technologies, and institutional aspects. In addition, the subcommittee seeks to develop and maintain international partnerships between the TRB LRT Committee and similar international research entities through: sharing technical information, supporting joint research activities and conferences, and enhancing international participation in TRB activities. Annual Meeting and LRT Conference sessions on the subject of "French Tramways" have been organized by this subcommittee.