
Evolution and Impact of TRB’s Rail Transit Committees on National Transit Research (A History of the Rail Transit Systems Committee (A1E04/AP065))  - S. David Phraner, Member Emeritus *NEW*

Review of Emergency Egress and Rescue Challenges in Rail Tunnels, Fire Protection Research Foundation, Synthesis Report *NEW*

APTA - Light Rail & Streetcar Systems: How They Differ; How They Overlap (2019)

TCRP Report 155 - Track Design Handbook for Light Rail Transit (2nd Edition, 2012)

Transportation Research E-Circular E-C033: This is Light Rail Transit (July 2001)

TCRP Synthesis 96 - Off-Board Fare Payment using Proof-of-Payment Verification (2012)

Joint Operation with Railroads

LRT Conference Proceedings

LRV Maintenance

Modern Streetcars


Vehicle/Pedestrian Safety + Traffic Engineering